Dr Paul Cohen
Research Fellow
Paul Cohen is the Director of Gynaecological Oncology at St John of God Hospital, Subiaco. He presented a new concept at the 2016 ANZGOG ASM on cervical adenocarcinoma surgery.
What are you passionate about?
My parents both left school at 15 and wished that they could have gone to university. They placed great importance on education and instilled in me a lifelong passion for learning.
As an undergraduate I developed a strong interest in cancer biology and subsequently my medical student experience of delivering the preterm baby of a mother with severe pre- eclampsia fostered a keen interest in women’s health and, in particular, research.
I am also mad about cricket and stay up late watching test matches, much to the exasperation of my wife!
Why gynaecological oncology, and in particular, gynaecological oncology research?
As an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trainee in Auckland my gynaecological oncology term was a revelation and I never wanted to do anything else after that. I found working in a truly multidisciplinary team and the continuity of patient care immensely rewarding.
The subspecialty is also very academic and I have been extremely fortunate to work with some inspirational clinicians and researchers who have shown me that it is through research that we can offer some hope to our patients and improve their quality of life.
What inspired you to become an ANZGOG member?
ANZGOG is an organisation that has a clear vision and that fosters novel ideas. This vision will lead to trials that will benefit Australian and New Zealand women. Another big attraction was that ANZGOG has some inspirational and internationally renowned senior members who are very happy to mentor early career researchers.
About EXCISE: EXcisional treatment Comparison for In Situ Endocervical adenocarcinoma
This pilot study will determine the feasibility and safety of comparing loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) to cold knife cone biopsy (CKC) for the treatment of adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) of the uterine cervix.
AIS is a pre-malignant condition. Advantages of LEEP include avoidance of general anaesthesia, provision in an outpatient setting, lower morbidity, and reduced obstetric complications, which have significant cost benefits.
This study may lead to the first prospective randomised trial to compare LEEP to CKC in conservatively treated AIS, and therefore enhance prevention of cervical adenocarcinoma whilst reducing morbidity and cost, and improving quality of life.