Share your story of gynaecological cancer. Your story can inspire people to seek medical advice, talk with their friends, and donate to research that is improving lives.
Gynaecological cancers are ending the lives of thousands of women in Australia every year. It’s hard to ignore the facts once you know them, and learning about another woman’s personal experiences of gynaecological cancer leaves a lasting impression.
Share your story of gynaecological cancer. Your story can inspire people to seek medical advice, talk with their friends, and donate to research that is improving lives.
Gynaecological cancers are ending the lives of thousands of women in Australia every year. It’s hard to ignore the facts once you know them, and learning about another woman’s personal experiences of gynaecological cancer leaves a lasting impression.
Your story might be of a personal diagnosis, or perhaps a woman you love has been affected by a gynaecological cancer. Your experience matters.
Use this form to tell us your story of gynaecological cancer. We will let you know if your story is being prepared for sharing publicly, to give you an opportunity to provide further input and approval.
If you’d like to reach out for extra support, the Cancer Council 13 11 20 Information and Support line is a confidential service where you can speak to a specialist cancer professional about anything to do with cancer.