ANZGOG Director, Associate Professor Alison Brand AM, has been appointed Chair-Elect to the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG).
This international research organisation meets twice a year to foster collaborative academic clinical trials across multi-member countries. GCIG Chair appointments are for two years, and ANZGOG nominated Alison Brand as their organisation representative. Assoc Prof Brand AM has served on the GCIG Executive for a number of years and is past Chair of ANZGOG.
In addition, Professor Linda Mileshkin (also an ANZGOG Director) was appointed Co-Chair/Chair-elect of the Endometrial Committee of GCIG. Linda is also Chair of the newly formed ANZGOG Endometrial Cancer Research Initiative (EDEN Initiative).
ANZGOG is a significant collaborator internationally in gynaecological cancer clinical trials development and operation. It regularly has a large number of members participating at the GCIG and on its various committees. Four ANZGOG early career researchers recently participated in the GCIG Young Investigators Symposium with 150 other young specialists from around the world.
For more information about ANZGOG’s collaborations, click here.