A groundswell of activity and voices to achieve our strategic goals

2023 ANZGOG Annual report

The Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) is the peak national gynaecological cancer research organisation for Australia and New Zealand. Our mission is to improve outcomes and quality of life for everyone with a lived experience of gynaecological cancer by conducting and promoting clinical trials and multidisciplinary research.

ANZGOG continues to accomplish a great deal as it grows its research portfolio, works closely with our community of valued supporters and members and ensures our advocacy and education activities foster strength in our sector.

This year we opened two novel, rare gynaecological cancer studies to recruitment: PEACE, a quality of life/end of life study and EPOCH, an OASIS study collaboratively with the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto College London in London. We also reached significant milestones with four trials – SOLACE2, ICON9, STICS and STONEs and ECHO, all in follow-up after completing recruitment. We express our heartfelt appreciation to the participating women and their families, our sincere thanks to the participating hospitals and members conducting the trials at these sites, and our collaborators for their commitment to these studies. 

In March we held our 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), which centred around the theme of "Improving the Lived Experience of Patients with Gynaecological Cancer." Delegates were fortunate to hear from three significant international speakers from the U.K., Colombia, and the Netherlands at the conference, who all delivered inspiring keynote addresses. ANZGOG’s ASM continues to grow in importance, reflecting our members stimulating collaboration and innovation in gynaecological cancer research. We are eagerly looking forward to the 2024 ASM in New Zealand. 

Professor Clare Scott AM
Chair  | ANZGOG

The Year at a glance...




10 Oct 2022

SOLACE2 closes to recruitment
SOLACE2 trial, a multi-centre, open-label, Phase II study of olaparib and durvalumab in platinum-sensitive, high grade serous ovarian cancer, closed to recruitment after reaching 100% accrual.

Summary Of Achievements2022—2023

Research Highlights

This year represented another successful year for ANZGOG’s research portfolio, with three trials opening to recruitment, four completing recruitment, and several new trials under development or poised to commence recruitment in 2022/23. The commitment and determination from our members ensured that we continue to improve life for women through developing pioneering gynaecological cancer research.


ANZGOG was pleased to open two ANZGOG-led studies - PEACE and EPOCH - to recruitment this year. PEACE is a Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology – Clinical Trial Unit (NSGO-CTU)-led international trial, with ANZGOG being the lead group for Australia. EPOCH was initiated in Australia by ANZGOG in collaboration with Imperial College London, UK and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada.


During 2022-2023, ANZGOG successfully attained numerous recruitment benchmarks, enabling four studies to close to recruitment and move into the next stage. ANZGOG extends its profound gratitude towards all the women and their families who participated in the studies. Without them, we would not be able to advance research to improve patient outcomes.

Clinical Trials

Open to recruitment

Ovarian Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Advanced gynaecological Cancer


ANZGOG congratulates members Prof Sarah-Jane Dawson and Dr Tania Moujaber for their success in the Fund for New Research Grant round 2022.

Prof Sarah-Jane Dawson will be granted $100K for her clinical concept – ctDNA analysis in advanced endometrial cancer following single-agent PD-L1 antibody therapy: a translational research sub-study of the PHAEDRA trial’.
Dr Tania Moujaber will be granted $99,938 for her pre-clinical concept – ‘testing of combined MEK and CDK4/6 inhibition for low-grade serous ovarian cancer’.

There were 15 submissions for the 2022 Fund for New Research. Each application underwent assessment by two evaluators and deliberation at the ANZGOG Research Advisory Committee (RAC). All submissions endorsed by the RAC were appraised by the Panel for the Fund for New Research and evaluated based on clinical or pre-clinical investigations criteria. The recommended priority projects were ultimately examined and approved by the ANZGOG Board.

The Fund for New Research is made feasible by contributions from the public, legacies, and philanthropic grants from organisations with shared interests in ANZGOG's research endeavors. Thanks to this backing, ANZGOG has funded 18 studies from 2015 to 2022 inclusive.


Established in 2016, The Ovarian cancer Alliance for SIgnal-Seeking clinical trials (OASIS) Initiative matches molecular subtypes of ovarian cancer with targeted new therapies designed to improve women’s lives, and aims to significantly shorten the cycle of clinical testing by:

• Speeding Translation: Strengthen existing links between laboratory and clinical researchers to accelerate the application of research findings.
• Improving cost-efficiency: Develop an infrastructure and culture that enables much more cost-effective trials.
• Developing funding: Establish a pool of funds, with proper governance oversight, to support the prompt initiation of signal-seeking studies once indicators are identified in the lab.


Future directions of OASIS include improving clinical trial access and treatment options to all Australian and New Zealand women with ovarian cancer through a streamlined and improved molecular screening process.


The inaugural Uterine Cancer Awareness Month was launched across the globe in June 2023 by the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) and over 25 partner organisations, including ANZGOG in Australia and New Zealand.

We are witnessing a concerning global rise in the incidence rates of endometrial cancer (which accounts for 90-95% of all uterine cancer cases). In Australia, endometrial cancer case numbers have doubled over the last 20 years, whilst in New Zealand numbers have trebled.

ANZGOG marked the occasion with the official launch of the EnDomEtrial CaNcer (EDEN) Research Initiative. Chaired by Professor Linda Mileshkin and contributed to by more than 60 multidisciplinary ANZGOG members, EDEN shines a spotlight on endometrial cancer and the unmet needs of patients.

EDEN's goal is to positively impact on survival for patients, improve their quality of life and drive a program of collaborative research in Australia and New Zealand, which will cover a spectrum of health priority areas including prevention, earlier diagnosis, improved survivorship post-treatment and identifying more effective treatments. Initial foundation research projects exploring endometrial cancer awareness in the community, patient experiences and diagnosis pathways have been initiated this year.


Following its launch in 2020, the Translational ANZGOG (TR-ANZGOG) Research Initiative has successfully implemented into the first trial - EPOCH.

Resources developed are being utilised to support the translational aspects of a strong portfolio of studies, benefitting multiple stakeholders, and enabling current and future translational research for particularly rare tumour types such as uterine and tubo-ovarian carcinosarcoma.

Biospecimen Tracking Software development nears completion, having been tested for SOLACE2 biospecimen inventory management of over 1500 samples.

Contribution to national infrastructure through the Health Studies National Data Asset (HeSANDA) program will enable researchers to find clinical trial data from multiple research institutions and request access via a new platform, Health Data Australia.

Next steps will focus on expanding the TR-ANZGOG Network of Laboratories across Australia and into New Zealand, and building data management infrastructure.

TR-ANZGOG will meet an ANZGOG strategic goal to build capacity for translational research by supporting the collection of biospecimens associated with all ANZGOG trials, provide enduring custodianship for biospecimens, and maximize the use of biospecimens through research.


The Patient Referral Networks Project aim is to coordinate an effective and efficient patient referral network, that will enable patients with gynaecological cancers in Australia and New Zealand to have access to the latest clinical trial treatments through ANZGOG’s research program, as well as maximise patient engagement for clinical trial participation. This project aims to assist in building the capacity to conduct gynaecological cancer research in regional and rural communities by connecting regional hospitals and healthcare centres with metropolitan clinical trial units, contributing to improved equity in access for these patients, by enabling access to new and innovative treatment and specialist care closer to home.

Future activities for the project include the promotion of teletrials to our members and assisting the research team in identifying future opportunities to include teletrials in ANZGOG’s research studies; identifying the barriers and enablers to participation for Indigenous patient populations as well as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) patient populations as well as identifying effective approaches ANZGOG can incorporate for inclusion of these populations in clinical trial protocols that will enable increased trial participation of these populations; additionally, identifying resources and training materials that will help increase cultural awareness for ANZGOG staff and members so we can ensure cultural awareness is incorporated throughout all stages of ANZGOG’s research activities. 

Danielle Osmond, ANZGOG Project Manager – Patient Referral Networks, at ANZGOG's 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting beside the project's poster.


Our research is published in leading national and international journals to share the results of our studies with peers around the world.

Several key ANZGOG members attended the ASCO (the American Society of Clinical Oncologists) 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago in June to connect and collaborate with international partners in gynaecological oncology. The meeting enables ANZGOG to contribute to the latest research discussions on the global stage.

ASCO poster (Buchanan et al.) – analysis of response within the dMMR population of the PHAEDRA trial according to the cause of dMMR.
ASCO poster – PEACE trial methodology poster (Lindemann et al) team led by Alison Davis. Palliation in gynae-oncology – Patients’ expectations and assessment of care.
ASCO poster (Werner et al.) – REZOLVE trial, a translational sub-study poster presentation.

ANZGOG and its members support for and participation in research ranges from large international trials to pilot research through the Fund for New Research (FFNR) program. We are pleased to report results from the efforts of our members:

  • FFNR supported study – Dall et al. Exp Clin Cancer Res (2023) 42:112 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s13046-023-02687-0) - PARPi in HRD uterine leiomyosarcoma. Previously reported 10% rate of somatic BRCA2 mutation, this study showed incidence of 9% HRD uLMS and benefit for PARPi and platinum chemotherapy upon progression in these patients.

Other key publications included:

  • Mileshkin LR et al. Adjuvant chemotherapy following chemoradiotherapy as primary treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer versus chemoradiotherapy alone (OUTBACK): an international, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 May;24(5):468-482. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00147-X. Epub 2023 Apr 17. PMID: 37080223.

  • Smith D et al. Results of PD-L1 Analysis of Women Treated with Durvalumab in Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma (PHAEDRA). doi: 10.3390/cancers15010254. Cancers (Basel) 2022 Dec 30. PMID: 36612250.

See a full list of ANZGOG’s publications on our website:

Our People

ANZGOG prides itself on how it works, with the strength of its collegial and multidisciplinary approach viewed as a  core foundation that must be maintained. By bringing together the best minds in the region and progressing innovative ideas into important research with clinical relevance, we can improve outcomes and quality of life for everyone with gynaecological cancer.



Our membership has grown significantly since our organisation was founded in 2000, more than doubling in the last eight years to just short of 1,300. ANZGOG's members in every Australian state and New Zealand are dedicated to growing the research portfolio in both treatment, surgery, radiation oncology, quality of life and survivorship. Together with our staff, donors and partners, our members work to improve life for everyone with a lived experience of gynaecological cancer through cancer research.

Total members: 1285

the power of  collaboration


“The community is at the heart of everything that we do at ANZGOG. They remind us how important advancing research is for others, they keep us on track, focusing on what matters most and they shape ANZGOG’s research direction by providing their unique lived experience.”

Prof Clare Scott AM (ANZGOG Chair)

Our Staff :


ANZGOG’s 1280+ members are based at over 80 hospitals, universities and research institutions in Australia and New Zealand. These members volunteer their time to help operate the organisation and take part in tumour working groups, research and advisory committees.

The diagram below represents how some committees feed into the Research Advisory Committee. A full organisational governance chart can be found here.


  • Consumers have played a critical role in ANZGOG’s research review process for several years now, thanks to the inspiring and enthusiastic ambassadors who form the Consumer Research Panel (CRP).

    “It’s the mechanism for advice and input from gynaecological cancer survivors and their carers to ANZGOG’s Research Advisory Committee. Its role is key to two-way effective communication between consumers, medics, and researchers.”

    Wanda Lawson,
    Consumer Research Panel
  • “Members of the CRP know what it’s like to be at the coal face of living with a gynaecological cancer diagnosis and undergo treatment. Applying the lived experience of the ‘end user’ to clinical trial development can improve the experience of participants and their carers.”

    Gill Stannard,
    Consumer Research Panel member
  • “I often joke that working as a consumer is the most productive thing I can do with my survivor guilt! It’s an honour to be able to use my lived experience to collaborate with researchers, to ultimately improve outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers.”

    Gill Stannard,
    Consumer Research Panel member


ANZGOG maintains a regular program of education initiatives, including enabling bespoke training of student health professionals, providing insights about clinical trials and gynaecological cancer research to the public, and developing early-career researchers into the next generation of leaders in gynaecological cancer research.

Member Education

ANZGOG continued its commitment to developing the next generation of leaders in the gynaecological oncology research and clinical space by providing an outstanding education program in the shape of an Endometrial Cancer Preceptorship and the second of the Foundations in Gynaecological Cancer Series focusing on Endometrial Cancer in 2022. The attendees had a unique opportunity to gain a greater understanding of best current clinical practice by hearing from some of the experts in the field in Australia and New Zealand. Fostering active engagement among younger members not only ensures the smooth transition of leadership but also guarantees the sustained growth and prosperity of ANZGOG in the post-current leadership era.

Preceptorship 2022

The ANZGOG 2022 Endometrial Cancer Preceptorship was held 2 & 3 December 2022 and Chaired by Dr Michelle Wilson (MO, NZ), A/Professor Emma Allanson (GO, WA) and Dr Lawrence Kasherman (MO, NSW). We had 24 Mentors and 24 Mentees participate in this educational program and another 38 fellows, trainees, registrars and early career clinicians who attended the virtual webinar.

This was a great opportunity for the participants to understand the landmark studies and discuss clinical practice in endometrial cancer, with experts in Australia and New Zealand, and also an excellent learning opportunity for the Fellows and Trainees who presented, including valuable discussion by the mentors and guest panellists.

This Preceptorship was supported by GSK.
  • "The ANZGOG Endometrial Cancer Preceptorship was a fantastic learning experience. The process of researching a topic, synthesising information and presenting this with helpful and engaged supervisors was invaluable. In addition, watching others’ presentations in combination with the resources has given a great overview of the topic. Would recommend to anyone working in the field."

    Monica McGauran, Fellow, Gynaecological Oncology
  • "The ANZGOG 2022 Endometrial Preceptorship was an excellent experience. The preceptorship gave us the opportunity to review the evidence of present and emerging treatment options for patients with endometrial cancer, and will help with helping me make decisions and providing optimal patient care. My preceptor was knowledgeable and prompt with the content that we were assigned. I would recommend this preceptorship to my peers."

    Eric Fong, Registrar, Radiation Oncology
  • "The ANZGOG endometrial cancer preceptorship provided an amazing opportunity to learn from and collaborate with trainees and senior colleagues from a range of sub-specialities. It was an extremely worthwhile experience that helped me refine my knowledge and build confidence in management approaches and presentation skills."

    Elizabeth Driscoll, Trainee, Medical Oncology
  • "I found the ANZGOG Preceptorship to be a well-organised educational experience connecting early career trainees with experienced preceptors. Through my participation, I developed knowledge about my topic far beyond what I could have achieved by reading studies on my own. Several studies I reviewed were discussed from a different vantage point by other preceptorship pairs which only improved my understanding of landmark studies on endometrial cancer. I learned a lot through multidisciplinary discussions following each presentation. I would highly recommend this to all."


    Jason Phung, Registrar, Gynaecological Oncology

endometrial CANCER 2022

ANZGOG, as part of its member education activities, presented the second of its Foundations Education Series, focusing on Endometrial Cancer for ANZGOG members and others across the health sector. The Endometrial Cancer Webinar was held on the 16 and 21 of September and was co-Chaired by A/Prof Yoland Antill and Dr Bryony Simcock. Renowned ANZGOG members, leaders in their fields presented on the following topics: basic histopathology, molecular profiling, genetics, epidemiology, surgery, adjuvant treatment, radiation treatment, advanced or recurrent disease: systemic therapy, survivorship & supportive care and the consumer perspective.

This educational webinar was attended by 269 members including some of ANZGOG’s international colleagues. This three-part Foundations in Gynaecological cancers is supported by AstraZeneca and in 2023 the focus will be on Cervical & Vulvar Cancers.

This Education Webinar Series was supported by AstraZeneca.

Survivors Teaching Students

Survivors Teaching Students® (STS) brings ovarian and other gynaecological cancer survivors and caregivers into the classrooms of our next generation of health professionals to teach them about women’s experiences with the diseases. Survivors and caregivers are in a unique position to help students understand the ‘lived experience’ of a gynaecological cancer, including the psychosocial impact, and the importance of timely diagnosis, good health communication and compassionate care.

STS is a sought-after experiential learning opportunity for tertiary institutions with a fully implemented program now running in all Australian states, the ACT and NZ. Completing a successful fifth year, STS is now working with 20 universities, which includes 17 medical schools, 8 nursing schools, and opportunities to engage with medical science and allied health students. Student feedback demonstrates STS is a highly valued learning experience providing students with memorable patient insights to inform their future practice. This year saw a gradual return to face-to-face STS presentations as more universities return to on-campus teaching. It is anticipated the program will continue in a hybrid capacity going forward, allowing volunteers the opportunity to share their stories in-person and online. 

The Survivors Teaching Students program is under license to ANZGOG from the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance in the USA.

What is Survivors Teaching Students?

  • “It keeps me focused on the difference I might make to the future of ovarian & gynaecological cancer recognition. It is an opportunity to make it REAL & to encourage women to advocate for their own health; to encourage student nurses & doctors to be aware of the symptoms & be compassionate.”

    STS Volunteer
  • “This form of learning helps students confront the realities behind every condition. While we learn about the theoretical aspects of each condition, the patient experiences that accompany these conditions are just as important and necessary.”

    Medical Student - Western Sydney University
  • “Speaking about my experience provides me with an opportunity to create something positive from a tough time in my life. It's the light within the dark.”

    STS Volunteer
  • “As students, it is one thing to learn about a disease in a textbook, but to learn about it from people whose lives' have been forever touched by said disease is incredibly powerful. Of all the lectures we have, the ones where real patients and caregivers speak are always the most memorable and impactful.”

    University of Queensland student

ON the down low wins 'best new podcast' award

Emerging triumphant amidst the rousing waves of audio talent, ANZGOG's podcast 'On the Down Low' etched its name in the annals of Australian audio artistry by securing the 'Best New Podcast' title at the Australian Podcast Awards.

'On the Down Low' is a six-part series that follows the arc of an ovarian cancer journey, covering topics including symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and side effects, challenges with finances, relationships and intimacy, issues specific to regional and younger women, research, clinical trials, recurrence, hope and advocacy.

In a testament to the podcast's profound impact and quality, it was also a finalist in the 'Best Health & Wellness Podcast' category at the same Awards and the eminent NSW Volunteer of Year Awards. The podcast masterfully recounts stirring and moving stories about women's experiences with the disease, which unfortunately affects over 2,000 women in Australia and New Zealand each year, with less than half surviving past five years.

The creation of 'On the Down Low' was facilitated by the unwavering determination and passion exhibited by its dedicated volunteer crew, helmed by the talented Podcast Host Alison Dance and Producer Nyasha Nyakuengama, and powered by the nine cast members from ANZGOG’s Survivors Teaching Students program. The courage and frankness displayed by the cast members, each a brave survivor of ovarian cancer or caregiver, through their compelling narratives project the hope that their shared experiences might serve to transform lives in the future.


TRAILER on On The Down Low | 3mins | 28 April 2022

Join Alison Dance as she speaks to women with ovarian cancer and their carers, sharing raw and inspiring stories. A powerful call for advocacy, awareness and change, this podcast encourages the health conversations women need to have. Join the call for change today #OnTheDownLowPodcast. On The Down Low is available on all major podcast apps.

Meet the cast

Strategic Partnerships & Collaboration

ANZGOG actively engages with our members, the Australian and New Zealand clinical research community and our international partners to ensure the relevance, vibrancy and impact of our research agenda. ANZGOG collaborates with organisations with a similar agenda to address shared challenges. These collaborations are the key to ANZGOG’s success and support our diverse research activity and our work as a leader in gynaecological cancer research.

2023 Annual Scientific Meeting

ANZGOG held its 17th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in Brisbane, 22-24 March 2023. This year’s ASM attracted 325 participants from Australia and New Zealand who gathered at the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane. The conference’s theme "Improving the Lived Experience of Patients with Gynaecological Cancer’ focused on women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer".

The conference began with a range of diverse and engaging workshops for early-career researchers, scientists, radiation oncologists, gynae-onc nurses, study coordinators, and consumers engaged in clinical trial research. A unique and thought-provoking workshop focusing on the rare gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) was particularly popular.




The main conference featured inspiring keynote addresses by acclaimed international speakers:

Prof René Pareja (Gynaecological Oncologist, Colombia).

“History doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme: the tale of cervical cancer surgery.”

Dr Ina Jurgenliemk-Schulz (Radiation Oncologist, Netherlands).

“Recent key advancements in locally advanced cervical cancer: A Radiation Oncologist’s View.”

Prof Iain McNeish (Medical Oncologist, United Kingdom).

“The key advances and major setbacks in treating gynaecology."

The Pure Science Symposium, held on the first day of the conference - now a staple of the ANZGOG ASM program – matches pure scientists with clinical researchers to ensure that the findings in the lab are translated to clinical trial development.

  • “Thank you to all that attended ANZGOG 2023. Such a pleasure to be surrounded by friends again. A very special mention to our dazzling international speakers Prof René Pareja, Dr Ina Jürgenliemk-Schulz and Prof Iain McNeish who updated us on the key advances in gynaecological cancers.Together with our fabulous national speakers we were spoilt with a wealth of information, updated on our clinical trials and experienced a fabulous 3 days of all things ANZGOG!”

    Dr Michelle Harrison

    Chair | ASM 2023 Program Steering Committee
  • “With fabulous international and local speakers, an amazing programme and a theme central to what we all do, the meeting was the best way to celebrate what we have achieved and where we are going”

    Dr Michelle Wilson

    ANZGOG New Zealand Director
The Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) was a triumphant occasion, brought to fruition by the collective input of ANZGOG members. ANZGOG extends a huge thank you to Dr Michelle Harrison and Assoc Prof Yoland Antill, Chair and Deputy Chair respectively of the ASM 2023 Program Steering Committee and each of the Steering Committee members who gave their time and commitment to organize this dynamic conference program.

ANZGOG announced the distinguished winners of the abstract poster and oral presentations from the conference. The laureates were evaluated based on the significance and innovation of their research, the lucidity of their results, the pertinence of their studies in the realm of gynaecological oncology, and the caliber of their presentation:

Abstract Awards 2023:

Pre-clinical Abstract Award

Bonnita Werner

Clinical Abstract Award

Alison Brand AM

Pre-clinical Poster Award 

Dongli Liu

Clinical Poster Award

Tanya Ross

International Collaborations

Global Leadership
Local Collaborations

ANZGOG has a long-term relationship with the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC), at the University of Sydney, who have acted as a sponsor of our larger trials.

Strong local collaborations are fostered with institutions such as Sydney and Melbourne Universities, Walter & Eliza Hall, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Queensland University of Technology and University of Western Australia are ensuring a diverse approach to research ideas and clinical trial development.

ANZGOG also works closely with other cooperative cancer clinical trials groups, the Quality of Life Office, CREST Health Economics to foster new trials and contribute to their development.

NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Walter & Eliza Hall
Prof Clare Scott AM
Assoc Prof Chee Lee (Co-Chair)
Prof Michael Friedlander AM (Co-Chair)
Prof Magdalena Plebanski (Translational Chair)
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre and Griffith University
Prof Sandi Hayes
University of Queensland (Queensland Centre of Gynaecological Cancer)
Prof Andreas Obermair
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
Assoc Prof Rhonda Farrell
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
Prof Linda Mileshkin
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
Assoc Prof Chee Khoon Lee



WomenCan is the fundraising arm of ANZGOG, funding research and education programs conducted by ANZGOG’s membership.

WomenCan’s mission is to engage with the community to fund pioneering discoveries that will enable women with gynaecological cancer to live better and live longer.

Supporter Highlights

WomenCan is grateful to be a trusted recipient of donations received from people, community groups, sporting clubs and businesses who have been touched by gynaecological cancer and who want to see improvements in outcomes for those affected.



Financials & Performance

Research costs money. Funding ensures that the best clinical trial ideas are brought to life. The only way to provide our community with access to government-funded drugs for gynaecological cancers, is to provide the clinical trial evidence that a drug works - and that costs.

Prof Clare Scott AM, ANZGOG Chair

Financial Summaries

Committed to current and planned Research and Education projects

Total Equity Including Project Reserves

Financial Summaries

Download the full Annual Financial Report for the year ending 30 June 2023, audited by SRJ Walker Wayland.

Financial research

FUNDING Research

ANZGOG has collaborative agreements both locally and globally with research institutions and other clinical trial groups. It also conducts a number of its clinical trials in collaboration with the University of Sydney and its NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC). The University of Sydney supports ANZGOG with grant applications, sponsorship of agreed trials and coordination of the trial operations.


Government grant funding for the benefit of ANZGOG clinical trials projects achieved under the collaboration is administered by the University of Sydney and is received annually to support these research activities.


The Cancer Australia Support for Cancer Clinical Trials Program, provides $500,000 annually to ANZGOG to support research development work by our research staff, consumer engagement and education activities and research development workshops.
