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As part of our ongoing education for early career clinicians and researchers, fellows, trainees, registrars, nurses, and trial coordinators, in 2024 we will be focusing on “Targeting Molecular Pathways in Gynaecological Cancer”. All interested healthcare professionals are welcome to attend this free online Foundations Series in Gynaecological Cancers webinar where leading experts in the field will present on interesting and related topics.



Wednesday 31 July | 1pm – 4.00pm AEST

Tuesday 6 August | 1pm – 4.00pm AEST

Who is this event for?

Early Career Researchers and Clinicians including Fellows, Registrars & Trainees, clinicians in Regional /Rural Practices; Gynaecological Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists & Study Coordinators. However, all interested healthcare professionals are invited to attend.

How to register?

Gynaecological Cancers 2024 will be recorded and only available to those who register.

Any questions?

Please contact Heshani Nesfield, heshani.nesfield@anzgog.org.au.

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