In ANZGOG’s ongoing effort to offer educational opportunities to Fellows, Trainees, Registrars, and early career clinicians, ANZGOG will be conducting a Virtual Preceptorship in Ovarian Cancer.


Friday, 3 December 2021 from 12.30pm – 5.30pm (AEDT), and
Saturday, 4 December 2021 from 10.00am – 12.00pm (AEDT)

The Preceptorship in Ovarian Cancer 2021 learning objectives are:

  • To learn about best clinical practice in the multi-disciplinary management of early and late-stage ovarian cancer
  • To understand the importance of biology and pathology of common ovarian tumours
  • To understand the options for treatment of recurrent disease and how treatment decisions are made
  • To understand the novel therapeutic agents being developed to treat ovarian cancer and how knowledge of genomics and molecular pathways guides drug development
  • To learn about the management of patients with symptoms of the disease and the side effects of treatments

“The preceptorships foster an interdisciplinary approach to cancer management, one that allows clinicians to interact with, and learn from, one another. They are an amazing opportunity to refine one’s knowledge but are also invaluable in building connections and partnerships with colleagues and seniors. Strongly recommended!”

Dr Michael Krasovitsky, Medical Oncologist, past attendee

Registration is open to ANZGOG members/pending members only, If you are not an ANZGOG member, you can apply for membership here.

If you have any questions, please contact Heshani Nesfield, ANZGOG Membership Officer at heshani.nesfield@anzgog.org.au.

The Preceptorship in Ovarian Cancer is supported by

Meet the Chair and co-Chairs of the Preceptorship 2021

Chair, Associate Professor Tarek Meniawy, and co-Chairs, Dr Sally Baron-Hay and Dr Michelle Wilson.

Meet the Preceptors



Alison Brand is a gynaecological oncology surgeon, Director of Gynaecological Oncology at Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW, and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. Alison has been involved in ANZGOG since it was established in 2000 and has since held key positions within the group. She was Chair of the Group from 2012 to 2018. She has chaired or been a member of several working parties for the development of national gynaecological cancer guidelines and has been PI on several international and national trials. She is Chair-elect of the Gynaecological Cancer Intergroup, an umbrella organisation of 33 international trials groups.

In 2021,  she was made Member, Order of Australia, for significant service to medicine, gynaecology, and medical organisations.  She is passionate about participation in clinical trials as a way to improve the lives of women with gynaecological cancers, now and in the future.


Associate Professor Orla McNally is a sub-specialist surgical Gynaecological Oncologist and the Director of Oncology and Dysplasia Unit at The Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, as well as Gynaecological Tumour Stream Lead for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer, Australia. She is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Melbourne. As well as being the lead for the Gynae-oncology multidisciplinary team at The Royal Women’s Hospital, A/Prof McNally also provides clinical support to Peter McCallum Cancer Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Originally from Ireland, A/Prof McNally first trained in general surgery and was dismayed by the poor outcomes for women with ovarian cancer and so her career moved into gynaecological cancer. During her time working in the NHS, United Kingdom, and in the last eleven years in Melbourne, her passion for multidisciplinary care has grown and in particular offering women the opportunity to be involved in research, in particular clinical trials, from prevention through to end of life at any time in their cancer journey or prevention. A/Prof McNally sits on the ANZGOG Uterine Tumour Working Group and is involved with the EDEN Focus Groups.


Dr Paul Cohen is a clinician researcher at the Western Australian Gynaecological Cancer Service, King Edward Memorial Hospital, and St John of God Subiaco Hospital, Western Australia. Dr Cohen is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Health Research, University of Notre Dame Australia. He is an Investigator on international and national clinical trials and has a particular interest in the supportive care of women affected by cancer, and gynaecological cancer epidemiology.

Dr Cohen is the Deputy Chair of the ANZGOG Research Advisory Committee, past Chair of the ANZGOG ASM Program Committee, member of the ANZGOG Cervix Tumour Type Working Group, eviQ Cancer Genetics Reference Committee, and Australian Clinical Trial Alliance Impact and Implementation Committee. Dr Cohen is the current Co-Chair of the International Gynecological Cancer Society Education Committee and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer.


Dr Bryony Simcock works as a gynaecological oncologist in Christchurch South Island New Zealand where she has worked for 12 years. Her subspecialty training was undertaken in Melbourne and Cambridge in the UK. She is involved with a wide range of research interests in gynaecological cancer and precancer. She is an active member of ANZGOG, the ANZGOG ovarian TTWG, and ASGO, she also is an examiner for CGO. Dr Simcock is a member of the Editorial Board for the Australian New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She also has a specific interest in medical aid and works regularly in Fiji.

Medical Oncologists:


Dr Michelle Harrison is a senior staff specialist at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and Liverpool Hospital working primarily in gynaecological cancers with a special interest in rare cancers. She has been an active member of ANZGOG for 15 years and has served on multiple committees over this time.  She is currently the Chair of the ANZGOG ASM 2022 Steering Committee and a member of the Cervical Cancer Tumour Working Group after 2 years as the Deputy Chair. Dr Harrison, Chaired the ANZGOG Cervical and Vulvar Cancer Preceptorship in 2020. She is a dedicated clinician, loves teaching and when not working can usually be found exercising.


Dr Michelle Wilson is a medical oncologist who subspecialises in gynaecological cancers and early-phase clinical trials. She is the clinical director for Cancer and Blood Research at Auckland City Hospital.  Dr Wilson is a very active researcher and is also one of 4 Principal Investigators with the early phase Auckland Cancer Trials Centre. Dr Wilson’s research focus is geared towards early phase translational studies and clinical trial endpoints, in particular, their utility and evolution in the era of precision oncology. She was awarded a medical doctorate on this topic in 2018 through the University of Auckland. Dr Wilson is a member of the ANZGOG Board of Directors, Research Advisory Committee, and the Deputy Chair of the ANZGOG Ovarian Tumour Working Group.  She also sits on the OASIS Steering Committee.


Dr Connie Diakos is a medical oncologist practicing at Royal North Shore and Genesis Care North Shore and Frenchs Forest. She specialises in the treatment of gynaecological, breast, gastrointestinal and neuroendocrine tumours. She is a conjoint senior lecturer at University of Sydney and senior research fellow in the Bill Walsh Translational Cancer Research Laboratory at the Kolling. Connie holds a PhD (Sydney) examining the mechanism of action of platinum anti-cancer drugs, and her research work now focuses on the causes and consequences of inflammation and the immune response in malignancy. Connie is an active member of the cooperative trials groups AGITG, ANZGOG, and BCT.


Dr Yeh Chen Lee is a medical oncologist with subspecialty expertise in gynaecological cancers. She is currently a Staff Specialist at the Prince of Wales – Royal Hospital for Women and Royal Prince Alfred-Chris O’Brien Lifehouse; and a Research Fellow at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney, and Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales. Her research focus is to improve patient care in gynaecological cancers, through advancing and translating knowledge in cancer genetics, drug development, and supportive care.

Dr Lee completed a dual research fellowship at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Melbourne, Australia; 2015-2016) and at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (Toronto, Canada; 2016-2018) in Gynaecology and Drug Development. She was awarded Master of Philosophy with first-class honours (University of Melbourne) investigating ways to improve ovarian cancer care along the disease trajectory. Dr Lee is highly active in clinical trials in gynaecological cancers and has been involved in the conduct of >30 Phase I-III investigator-initiated and collaborative trials. Dr Lee is a member of the ANZGOG Research Advisory Committee and sits on the Ovarian Tumor Working Group and is involved with the ANZGOG ASM 2022 Program Steering Committee.


Dr Felicia Roncolato is a medical oncology staff specialist at Campbelltown hospital and Prince of Wales Private Hospital.  Her clinical interests are genitourinary (prostate, bladder, kidney, testis), gynaecological and breast cancer. She has been awarded a PhD in prognostication in ovarian cancer from the University of Sydney and completed a Master of Clinical Epidemiology.

Dr Roncolato has a strong interest in clinical trials and is appointed as a senior clinical research fellow at NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre. She continues on trial management committees and is a member of the ANZGOG Cervical Tumour working group.  Her research interests include prognostication, health-related quality of life outcome measures, and patient-doctor communication. Dr Roncolato has multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals and has been awarded the ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) Merit award twice and has presented research internationally and nationally.

She is a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University and participates in medical student teaching.  She is committed to supervision and mentoring of postgraduate medical education and training of medical oncology advanced trainees and basic physician trainees for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and is a clinical examiner. She is a leader of the Young Oncologist Group of Australia (YOGA) which fosters professional development.

Radiation Oncologists:


Dr Pearly Khaw is a Radiation Oncologist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, where she leads the Radiation Oncology team for Gynae-Oncology. She is also a clinical researcher and is involved with a number of trials under development, providing expertise in the Radiation Oncology aspects of the trial. She is an active member of the ANZGOG RAC and Uterine Tumour Type Working Group. Dr Khaw is a reviewer for the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer and Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. She was involved in the formation of the Special Interest Group for Radiation Oncologists practicing in the area of Gynae-Oncology through the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.


Dr Viet Do is the Director of Radiation Oncology at SWSLHD at Liverpool and Campbelltown Hospitals in NSW. This position has nurtured his skills in the leadership role, especially in forming relations and effective communications among the multidisciplinary group, such as ANZGOG.

Dr Viet Do is an experienced clinical researcher in Gynaecological & Urological malignancies with more than 20 peer-reviewed publications and 667 citations, and a PhD in health outcome Cancer research from the well-known CCORE, Liverpool, NSW Australia.

Dr Do has been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate training and education. He is passionate about training the next team of specialists in training, who will be caring for our patients diagnosed with gynaecological cancer.



Professor David Bowtell is co-Head of the Women’s Cancer Programs at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. He was Director of Research at Peter Mac for a decade from 2000-2009, during which time he co-lead the funding of the new $1 billion Peter Mac in Parkville.

Prof Bowtell has an extensive background in human cancer genome sequencing. He is Head of the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study (AOCS), one of the largest studies of ovarian cancer in the world. He is an active member of ANZGOG and sits on the Research Advisory Committee, the OASIS Steering Committee, and the Ovarian Tumour Working Group.



Associate Professor Lyndal Anderson is a medical graduate of the University of Tasmania and commenced Pathology training in England in 2000. In Australia she trained at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital before completing her Fellowship from the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 2005. She completed a Master of Philosophy in Gynaecological Pathology with The University of Sydney in 2011 and a Masters of Health Management with The University of New South Wales in 2012.

Assoc Prof Anderson’s primary interests include Gynaecological Pathology and Cytopathology. She is a Senior Staff Specialist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University, and an Associate Professor at The University of Sydney. She is a member of the Research Advisory Committee for ANZGOG, a member of the Translational Research ANZGOG committee, and is the current President of the Australian Society of Cytology.


Associate Professor Raghwa Sharma trained at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney and worked at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and since 2004 has worked at Westmead Hospital. He is the chief Gynaecological Pathologist and also does Cytopathology, Sarcoma, and Melanoma diagnostic work. He is a Senior Staff Specialist at Westmead Hospital, has been the supervisor of registrars for more than 10 years, and served as acting Director for more than 3 years. Assoc Prof Sharma is a member of the Ovarian Tumour Working Group for ANZGOG and a member of the EDEN initiative’s Translational Focus Group at ANZGOG.

Assoc Prof Sharma is also an RCPA examiner and chairs the RCPA Pathology Outreach Educational Committee. For the last 15 years, he has been instrumental in setting up postgraduate pathology training in many of the South Pacific Island countries. He is also an examiner for the FRANZCR and chairs the Australasian division of the International Society of Gynaecological Pathologists and is one of the NATA assessors.

If you have any questions please contact Heshani Nesfield, ANZGOG Membership Officer at heshani.nesfield@anzgog.org.au.

Testimonials from past participants:

“The ANZGOG ovarian cancer preceptorship was a challenging, but intellectually stimulating two-day crash course in key concepts covering the evidence in diagnosis and management of ovarian cancer, but more importantly it highlighted the areas for improvement where further research is needed. I would highly recommend this preceptorship to any oncology trainees or fellows who are keen to consolidate their knowledge and learn more about research in the ovarian cancer space!”

Dr Lawrence Kasherman Medical Oncologist

“The ovarian preceptorship was a great forum to learn about the trials that have shape our current standards of care for patients with ovarian cancer. I highly encourage young clinicians to join in this multidisciplinary preceptorship to learn from each other.”

Dr Michael Burling, Gynaecological Oncologist

“Insights from the multidisciplinary team!”

Dr Alice Minhinnick, Medical Oncologist Advanced Trainee

“Interactive with engaging & multidisciplinary preceptors. Highly recommended this preceptorship. It was a great learning experience.”

Dr Po Yee Yip, Medical Oncologist

“It was great to participate in the ANZGOG cervical and vulval preceptorship in 2021. Allowed me to deep dive into the topic and having the mentor support from a Senior Radiation Oncologist was invaluable. Highly recommended for trainees!”

Dr Carmen Swanton, Radiation Oncology Registrar

“I highly recommend participation as a presenter in the preceptorship as it was one of the most constructive, collaborative and supportive learning experiences to date during training.” 

Dr Rhett Morton, Gynaecological Oncologist Fellow